Monday, 12 October 2020

Drive Me There

Drive Me There

Drive me there,
where the soul meets cool fresh air,
mountains and clouds seem to shake hands,
there, I’d be driving into nowhere,
for mist and fog would leave me hide nor hair.

Drive me there,
where infinite white flakes are not rare,
making me as excited as I ever can,
but the path ahead would not be fair and square,
making all the ventures demand an extra care.

Drive me there,
where eye-catching flowers make one stare,
birds appear to flock and chant,
vibrant liveliness sphere everywhere,
camera capture faces with flying hair.

Drive me there,
where the air seems to flare,
the land barren and bare,
there, heart look for a cold snare,
little ones away from their usual care.

Drive me there,
but the point is, exactly where?
“where”, who as a matter of fact care,
as everyone can travel to nowhere,
cause corona is present everywhere.

The only “where”, I can be there,
is the place where I dwell,
until the virus vanishes into thin air,
and this is where we all can be there,

unless it’s really vital to be elsewhere.

Drive Me there - Be At Home

PS: Remember, Corona has not disappeared. Stay Safe and venture out only if necessary. Also, do like, comment, follow, subscribe and share :) Do not forget to check out my other poems listed under "Popular Posts" in right side


  1. Wonderfull poem,let corona go then we will go.

  2. Good one Mussu. Drive Corona out. Hope we see light at end of tunnel...

    1. Thank you, yah, hope this virus vanishes from our Earth once for all..

  3. Well said. There is no point in going anywhere now (unless it is urgent). We still run the risk of contacting or worse spreading COVID. Stay Home and Stay Safe is still best option.

    For sure, once the pandemic is under control, do expect almost everyone to drive to some or other place for vacation :)

    1. Thanks, yes, staying at home is the best option in this pandemic time. People must go on a vacation only after this pandemic disappears.

  4. Amazing....The best thing which we can ever do in this pandemic is to stay and enjoy at our home....
