Sunday, 23 August 2020

Hardwork or Destiny

Hardwork or Destiny
Everyone has a different course of life,
the world sees diverse sorts of eyes,
some people live in opulence,

while starving and dying, cry the necessitous.

Some climb up the ladder,
and those who cannot, lay shattered,
why is there so much of variance?
is it fate which creates so many ways?

Fate is a mere four-letter word,
having little significance in one’s world,
hard work makes the real difference,
and lead the person into excellence.

Everyone faces innumerable obstacles,
but all do not have the same perspective,
regarding it as fate invites regression,
considering it as a challenge invites progression.

Everyone is born the same,
people’s efforts make the change,
hard work and perseverance always stand,

your destiny is in your hands.

Hardwork or Destiny - Obviously Hardwork !

PS: Thanks for taking time to read my poem. Please like, comment, follow, subscribe and share :) Do not forget to check out my other poems listed under "Popular Posts" in right side. Keep visiting my blog for new poems, see you back soon ! My blog also found a place on “Top 100 Poetry Blogs, Websites & Influencers in 2020” 


  1. Great going, one after other. Conveying age old message, there's no alternative to hardwork

  2. Fantastic. One more impactful poem, this one highlighting that our destiny is in our hand and hardwork plays important role in that

  3. खूब कहा है किसी ने जब कड़ी से कड़ी जोड़ते हैं तभी जंजीर बनती है
    और जब मेहनत पे मेहनत होती है तभी तक़दीर बनती है।
    बहुत सुंदर ...keep it up

  4. Wow! Another thought provoking poem. Keep going!

  5. words to express your creativity:)

  6. #FilledWithCreativity #VeryMeaningful #KeepGoing :)

  7. Great thoughts.
    Indeed..Fate is just a 4 letter word. It is the journey that matters.!
    Awesome work..Muskaan.!

    1. Thank you so much. Yes, hard work makes the real difference:)

  8. Very well explained!
    Hard work never fails....keep rocking...

  9. Thanks. Yes, hard work always pays off:)

  10. Fantastic.... hardworking is really important for success ... beautiful. .
